Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Phone Booth Salesman

When I came up with this training title I was telling myself how dumb it may sound to the sales staff. I was thinking that they would think I was some kind of idiot.....though I think I am a little. I think many of them tune me out anyway so I decided to train on this topic regardless.
I am a huge Superman fan. He was always my favorite superhero. I was always amazed at how he was able to keep his identity a secret but yet able to change into his superhero dress while needing little time or cover to do so. This is where I came up with the idea of The Phone Booth Salesman.
You might be asking "what in the world is he talking about?" a Phone Booth Salesman? Yea, I know, it sounded a little dumb to me when it was running through my head as I came up with the material to cover in the meeting under this title. But I started to think what this could mean in the sales force. Superman was able to step into a phone booth and change in less than a few the older episodes anyways. He was able to change when there was trouble or someone was in trouble. He was able to "adapt" into what people needed him to be.
That's what I think is necessary for the sales force, especially in car sales. We are approaching a time when the majority of any kind of sales will be done online, at least the searching part anyways, and it will be necessary to stand out and be noticed. As I've discussed before, building your reputation is very important and can lead to you being needed in sales. So, being able to adapt to a customers needs or being able to adapt to a different time is very necessary now for sure.
What do I mean by being able to adapt? Well, for starters, we must adapt to the times. In a growing age of technology we have the opportunity to be lost in the chaos. It's becoming less of a face to face business and more and more of a face to screen business but no matter if you are on the other side of the screen or if you are the one on the lot you need to make sure you have a good reputation and you are relevant. Being able to adapt helps make you both. If you are able to answer all questions and handle all issues you will be needed. If you are able to show that you are the one to call when a customer has a problem or if you are simply there to set an appointment for them you will be needed. In the past these things weren't necessary but now they are very necessary,  especially in the automotive business. If your service dept can't figure out a problem on a car then you want them to be able to call you for the solution. Who knows? might even pick up a customer in the process. Whatever is going on you need to be involved and you need to be able to adapt to that situation. It will only make you more needed and wanted. You need to make yourself a necessity and not a liability, no matter what your chosen profession or job happens to be.
I see, especially today, that many people don't want to change. I get it. I didn't either. I am older than I once was and I for one can see how much technology has actually hurt how we live but that doesn't change the fact that it is here and we must adapt to the situation. Much like how Superman was able to change into his superhero dress we must be able to change into what the customer needs us to be. It may be hard to even want to change but there's a time coming when you need to make sure you are different and indispensable.
At the end of the day you want the customer/client to think of you with all of there automotive needs, or whatever your job is, no matter if you are able to directly help them or not. Adapt and succeed or don't and eventually fail. We all miss it sometimes and fail but you must always continue pressing forward towards the results/rewards.
Thanks for reading!
Fist Pump Guy Out!
#thefistpumpguy #phoneboothsalesman #buildingyourreputation

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