This is a blog that covers a variety of information. Most of the posts will have to deal with the car business or sales and some of the other ones may be directed to training and/or leadership building.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Bad Habits
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Listen, Learn & Live
Friday, August 26, 2016
Listening to your customers!
The first thing I noticed about the young man is the fact that he is "training" and probably hasn't been doing it long. And I for sure will agree that working in fast food is definitely not easy especially when you are busy and getting backed up and everyone is staring at you wondering when they are going to get their food. So I definitely wasn't going to get mad. I automatically thought of the sales industry, auto sales in particular, and how often we do this same exact thing.
We have a particular process we use at our dealership and train everyone to follow it. It begins with the meet and greet and then goes into the interview process. Now, these two steps are vitally important to any sales position because this is where you learn about the customer and start to find out what you need to sell them. If you are not really "listening" to them at this point you could lose a deal whether it's right away or at the end. If you are not really paying attention to them you could miss important information that could lead to you putting them on the wrong product or showing them the wrong item.
You might ask "Is that really that big of a deal if I show them the wrong item or product?" to which I would respond "YES". I answer the question that way simply because a customer looks at you as the professional and they expect you to have all the answers even if you don't know all the answers. They look to you to show them what they need instead of showing them the wrong product altogether. Sometimes you lose trust and credibility and sometimes it blows over and is no big deal. But why must you risk the possibility of losing a customer because you were too busy or not interested enough in them to listen to what they want and what their concerns are? Keep in mind that you may even sale the particular customer but do they send you referrals and do you get their repeat business? Both important questions to note.
If you don't "listen" to your customers and "hear" what they are saying then you could also lose vital time. If you want to sell more than one car a day, for example, then you must be able to utilize your time and that includes being efficient with each and every customer and opportunity that presents itself to you. If you don't then you could find yourself spending way more time on a deal than you probably need to and if you do end up selling the customer you may not leave yourself time to do much else that you need to be doing. Now, when I'm talking about time you must be considerate of the customer's time as well. It's not all about you. If they come to see you then you must be prepared to handle the customer in an appropriate amount of time so you definitely must be able to "listen" and pay close attention to each and every opportunity.
I could write much more on this topic but the whole point is that if you want to be successful in sales, not short term but long term, you must be able to listen to every customer and apply what they say to your process so that it'll end with the results you want it to. If you can, listen to everything that is going on around you too. Who knows?, you might even pick up something from someone else that may help you grow in your craft.
Thanks for reading!
Fist Pump Guy Out!
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
The Dreaded Check Register!
I'm going talk a little about what I saw today. I went into a local bank to get a check register, you know those things where you deduct the money you've spent so that you make sure that you don't overdraw. They're just so much easier to keep everything lined up. For the past few weeks I have been using note cards to keep up with it but it just doesn't work the same. Anyways, I went in to the branch and a lady was standing up front and asked if she could help me. I replied to her what I needed and she said she would get me one. I then happen to look around the branch and noticed that there were quite a few people working in there and they all seemed to be busy assisting customers and such, which I was pleased to see. Now, normally I don't go inside this branch because it is usually so packed but today I decided to run inside real quick, since it was early in the morning, to see if they could help me with this, what I thought to be a simple mediocre task.
After the nice lady asked me what I needed and I told her she scurried off to take care of my problem. I then decided to try to catch up on some much needed reading on Facebook. Every few minutes I'd look up to see if she was back. I looked up and she was behind the teller counter looking with no luck. After another few minutes behind the counter she came out and then proceeded to ask everyone that works there if they had seen any check registers to what all answered "no". I am probably one of the most impatient people I know but I was really trying to understand and really did appreciate her time in checking on it for me.
Now, keep in mind, I never go inside the bank or even through the drive thru but today I needed something from the bank that I've used for quite sometime and they weren't able to assist me. They did offer to call me when the order of them came in and I declined and said that I would just check back in a few days. I left a little aggravated but not that big of a deal until I got to driving and thinking.
I then had a brief conversation with my oldest daughter about being successful in a job and in life. I basically told her that she needed to learn as much as she could about everything she could even if it didn't directly apply to what her chosen profession might be. I told her that she could never learn enough and that she should take every opportunity to learn something new even if it seemed very unnecessary to know.
All I could think about was the amount of people that I work around on a regular basis that were very content in not trying to learn anything new. Many of them aren't interested in getting better at their craft or trying to grow. Even after all I try to teach they still put forth little to no effort to do the extra unless of course the learning is turned into "Mandatory training".
I had a training class the other day that talked about "Mandatory" and "Voluntary" training and what the difference was and which one would be more beneficial to them as a professional and all of them answered that voluntary training would definitely be more beneficial and effective. But even with that being said I just don't see or notice the effort of the majority of them. I guess I just don't understand the mindset for the most part. Oh, I get it that many "sales professionals" say that you don't need to learn the product or that one doesn't need to do extra training as long as you're performing but what happens when or if they lose their job or get moved to another dept etc? I guess I think about what else I can do verses why do I need to do something. I know many of the people I work with look at me and talk about me behind my back when they see me shooting videos or investing in something that I hope will grow my business but I try to not let it bother me even if my idea doesn't have the effect I thought it should or hoped it would. I try not to give up.
The moral of this story is this, make sure that if you work in a business, especially sales, that you must learn as much as you can so you can know what's going on so that when someone comes in looking for something or asking about something, even if it seems like a small thing, that you can give them and answer and solve their problem. You'd be surprised at the amount of people that I work with that can't do simple tasks or answer simple questions from customers. If I don't know I find out the answer. It is very important for your reputation to be able to get and keep a customer's trust and gain credibility. Sure, you may not see the results immediately but they will come in some shape, form or fashion.
Thanks for reading!
#thefistpumpguy #learnallyoucanaboutyourbusiness #voluntaryormandatorytraining
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Blank stares in the room!
What's funny about this whole thing is that most of the people that have "checked out" need the most training, I don't care what title they hold. Are these guys so comfortable in what they think they know that they don't absorb any kind of training or are they selective in what they want to pay attention to? Is it because that they have learned sooooo much that their brains can't handle any more? Is it because they think that the topic at hand doesn't pertain to them? In this world of constant change do they think that they have a secure lock on their position? Have they had a moderate amount of success and they think that what they currently know will continue to sustain them? These are all seriously vital questions that need to be answered simply because, in today's day and time, no one's job is safe.
I mean, think about it for a minute. If you had a job that you've had for a long time and the company sells out to a larger corporation and they decide to "clean house" and bring in all their own people, where do you go at that point? If you've had no extensive training and are too comfortable in what you think you know then what kind of job do you think you are going to be able to do? If you don't have enough knowledge in order to carry you to another company then what are you going to do? Have to start over? Yea, I guess you could find another job doing something similar but may not be as successful.
Ideally, no one wants to think they need to learn anything which I guess could explain people dropping out of school. Nonetheless, learning and growing is essential especially in this present world that changes from day to day. It's been hard for me as well especially with the technology part of it because it seems like everything has gotten harder since the invention of all this new technology. I'm sure it was put in place to make things easier and in some aspects it has done that but some of it I just don't get.
I guess the moral of this post is if you want to grow in your business and become more successful then why wouldn't you think that you could use new training? even if you have heard it before or you are better at it than others around you. Also, if you are in a "leader" position then you have to be the example! You have to show that you want to learn and that you are interested in learning. If you show that you don't care then those "subordinates" under you will NOT care. If you don't stress the importance in improving then they will NOT improve. Sure, they will make you money for a while but once the newness wears off then that will slow as well. What are you going to do at that point? Get rid of them and start over? Why, because you didn't do what you should've done and train them right to begin with? It's easier for some to start over with new people because they can program them but wouldn't be much easier training people the correct way from the start and keep it up instead of yelling at them and tearing them down because you didn't do your job and train them right to begin with? I think you can see the answer!
Thanks for reading!
Fist Pump Guy out!
#thefistpumpguy #blankstares #lackoftraining
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
The 6 Ps of Sales
People - you must have clients/customers to work which you get by Prospecting. You can't sell anything without having someone to sell to
Process - you must learn the process that your company has come up with that they feel is most efficient in order that you might be more Proficient in the Procedure
Product - you must be knowledgeable in whatever product you are going to be selling so that you may Permeate Perfection to your Prospects
But it starts with
Potential - you must know or at least think you have Potential and then you must Practice until you reach your goal and then set more goals
Professionalism - is accomplished through Practice to learn the skills necessary to be considered a true Professional in your field
Patience - you must be patient until you reach your goal. It doesn't happen overnight. But you must Practice Patience through Persistence. In other words you must always be moving forward toward your goals. If you aren't moving forward you are moving backwards
These are just some ideas I had come up with. I'm sure you may have your own but the idea is still the same. Have a goal to shoot for even if it seems out of reach. If your goal is easy you aren't going to work and strive as hard. But if you don't see your own potential to do it then it will be very difficult to even set a goal!
Thanks for reading!
Fist Pump Guy out!
#thefistpumpguy #the6psofselling
Friday, July 15, 2016
Thursday, July 14, 2016
There's no Participation Trophy in car sales!
Now, I need to tie that into the car business for a minute (you probably knew I would)! In this line of sales, and many other sales positions, you don't get paid unless you make a sale! That's where I am going with this and that is that in many sales positions you don't get a Participation Trophy just for "trying". It is very discouraging sometimes but that's part of the sales industry. I know, you might say, "well, if you don't like it then change jobs". In which I would reply, "It's easier said than done". Number 1, and foremost, sales jobs pay, on average, more than most other jobs, unless of course you have some type of fancy degree and even then you might be in some type of sales position. Number 2, depending on the area you live in there may be a scarcity of jobs that will pay you what you need to make or think you deserve. So, running out and finding another job is really out of the question unless some great opportunity just falls in your lap. Besides, I actually like what I do though I do have bad days, weeks and months from time to time.
Now, having said all that, I would like to make a point that is of vital importance to me and many others in this position. That is the fact that if you know someone or are friends or acquaintances of someone in the sales business please do your best to give them your business because, as I said, we don't get a Participation Trophy at the end of the day. Every time I see someone I know come into the dealership and someone else is selling them I get a little aggravated especially when they know I work here.(It's hard not to know where I work with the amount of stuff I have online) Yea, I know, not everyone that you know wants to deal with someone they know and I get that but you must understand the way I take it. I look at it as you are taking money straight from my pocket and handing it directly to someone else kind of like how you pay out taxes. And usually it doesn't affect anyone but one person and that's the one that didn't get the sale. I'm not saying that I "deserve" everyone's business but I'd at least like the opportunity. Listen, if you work for an hourly wage or if you even have a salary or retirement coming in then you may not get what I am saying and I get that but don't take those in the sales profession for granted. Yea, I know, many are not honest and like to deceive people but that's not all of us. It really helps that if you are use to dealing with someone or have bought from someone in particular in the past that you try to get up with them first. There is a big turn over in the this business but it doesn't hurt to ask if "so and so" still works here.
So, in closing, I'd like to reiterate the fact that there isn't a Participation Trophy in the sales industry. Yea, there may be some great opportunities that may come about through sales but the fact of the matter is that we don't get paid unless we sell. So, do me a favor, if you know someone in the sales industry do your best to do business with them. A familiar face is always easier to deal with than someone you don't know.
Thanks for reading!
Fist Pump Guy out!
#thefistpumpguy #noparticipationtrophieshere
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Lawn Care and the Car Business?
Next, I talked about how most lawn care people have certain strategies or methods in order to get each lawn done and one may vary to the next depending on the terrain and the amount of yard to be done. Some cut in a circle or at angles or even a back and forth method to make it look like lines in the lawn. They have to know the different kinds of grass and how it grows. They have to know how each one of their customers prefer to have their yard cut in order to keep them happy.
Then the question was asked how do they remain relevant with so many companies and individuals doing it now and how they can separate themselves? I then pointed out that unless all the grass burned up, we built so many buildings that covered all the grass or if everyone bought their own equipment and cut their own yard that there will always be a need for lawn care people. But staying ahead and relevant in that business can be difficult. They must keep a good name and good reputation in order to accomplish their ultimate result which many may think of money but I say is growth. You must continue to get better and more relevant in order to continue to grow. Granted, some lawn care professionals only want to get so big because of added expenses but you get the point. But growing any business is important whether you're growing in size or relevance and reputation.
What does this have to do with the car business? Simple, people in the lawn business and the car business both have to be able to sell themselves and their work in order to grow. Also, they must both keep and maintain a good reputation in order to stay needed and relevant. A few mishaps on a mower can lead to a seriously depleted customer base. Likewise, a few bad car deals can keep you from getting repeat business and maybe even new business if it gets online. You must, in either business, continue to do good work and keep improving in order to keep growing the standard.
What does the lawn business have in common with the car business? Other than the need to keep a good name and good reputation there is a need to get a result. Now, in the car business, the ultimate result is delivering a car to get paid but my point is that both business have a result that needs to be accomplished. The main point, of this topic, being that there is usually a common result that is desired in any business but there may be different ways to accomplish it. In other words all lawn companies don't do exactly the same things in order to have a satisfied customer but that is still a result. Likewise, not all salesmen or women have the same strengths or weaknesses but ideally they still want to deliver a car or a product. So, the commonality is they both are working for a positive result/reward!
Thanks for reading!
Fist Pump Guy out!
#thefistpumpguy #lawncareandthecarbusiness #getresults #buildingyourreputation
Monday, July 11, 2016
Field of Dreams!
What does the movie Field of Dreams have to do with the car business or sales? Well, I used it, in the meeting, to show that you must be investing in something mostly yourself in order to grow. In the movie, Kevin Costner, had to build a baseball field in his corn crop which was his lively hood. He stepped out on a limb when everyone else was laughing and ridiculing him even though he had no idea why he had to do it or even what the ultimate outcome would be. He basically cost himself time and money in order to invest in a future that was uncertain.
I believe, in sales, we must do the same thing. We have to invest in ourselves and our business in order to try and get a good long-term result even though we don't know what that future may hold. Not everyone has the same thinking or even the same things that they feel need to be invested in but it still has to be done in some aspect of your business.
Time is the thing we have the most of that is of value. How are you investing your time daily? Are you using your time wisely in order to reach a goal? If you utilize your time you can and will get results. Let's say you work in the car business for a minute and you have a product that needs selling. Of coarse you need to have the appropriate approach to learning the product though knowledge of the vehicle is only part of the business. You also have to learn how to sell and what to say and what not to say. You have to use whatever tools that may be at your disposal and maybe even some that may not be. Doing videos of the product or yourself are a good use of your time as well as using social media to get you and your business out to the masses.
Investing in the internet part of your business is very important too. It can be expensive depending on how far you want to go with it but ideally you can get a substantial foot in the door on the internet with little or no money. Using Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram are just a few that can assist you in your progress. And the only thing you are investing in when you use these is your time. It's pretty easy to invest in this part of your business because you can shoot and post a simple video in a matter of minutes. So, make sure that you are utilizing these tools to expand especially since, as of now, they are free for the most part.
To make a long story short, make sure that you are investing in yourself and your business. You can be somewhat successful nowadays without investing much but you have to look long-term. You don't want to be just a flash in the pan. You want to invest in yourself as much as you can even though you may not know what it will bring or what or where the future may lead you.
Thanks for reading!
Fist Pump Guy out!
#thefistpumpguy #investinginyourself
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Personal Assessment and the 5 As
So, here they are in order. The first one makes the rest tick. If you can't do the first one then you probably don't need to read any further!
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Personal Assessment
Why is it important to do a Personal Assessment? Well, I'm sure there may be many answers out there that people have concluded but I want to sum it up in one word and that is "GROWTH". Yes, I said "GROWTH". We are living in the most competitive and ego driven society that has ever been spawned. Nobody wants to be wrong and most people think they never are. They want to believe that they have the best way or the best product available. They may indeed but when I say to GROW you must do a Personal Assessment. That means everyone. No matter your profession or walk of life at some point you must look at yourself and see what direction you are going and what direction you actually want to be going. Sometimes we may be headed in a direction that looks right but indeed it could be the wrong direction. So the primary reason I think one must do a Personal Assessment is so that they can continue to GROW. If you're not growing, especially in sales, you are dying.
Now, the question might be "What gets in the way?". I'm sure you and everyone across the world may have their own answer or opinion on this one but my answer is it's because people are too full of Pride. Now, I'm not talking about the kind of Pride you have in a job well done or a good decision you made. I'm talking about the kind of Pride that is deadly. Many people, especially in the business I am in, are very Prideful. Everybody thinks they know everything and no one wants to admit they don't. Nobody thinks they need help or that they need to learn anything hence the blank stares when I am training. I mean let's face it, if you can't do something as simple and basic as coming to work on time then you probably need more training than anyone.....I'm just saying. Besides, you should definitely have enough respect for yourself, not to mention the company you work for, to at least want to try and grow and get better. I see it all the time that people think they are owed something and therefore don't try and learn and grow. They don't believe in hard work anymore. It's all about how to get something for nothing and without working for it. So, look at yourself honestly, do a Personal Assessment. If you need help with something or need help learning something, ask someone or pick up a book. There are many resources out there that can help you get to the next level and to help you not be so Prideful.
Now, a quick list of things to look at when doing a Personal Assessment.
Attire - How you look and present yourself says a lot about you and how much you care. Are you lazy and unorganized and therefore don't have time to iron your clothes? A very serious thing to look at. Remember, first impressions say a lot.
Verbage - Kind of like Garbage.... what you say says a lot about who you really are. Be careful with your speech and look at what comes out of your mouth regardless of who you're around because not everyone wants to listen to the garbage and nonsense.
Knowledge - What you know and what you want to know makes the difference. Always be willing to get better and eager to learn from those that are more knowledgeable than you. You never know where that will lead.
Attitude - I could talk for a long time on this topic but to make it short.... how is your attitude towards yourself and those around you? Is it easy to see how your day is going when someone looks at you? Are you easy to upset? How are you about life in general? Very important to know these especially in any sales position.
Ethics - How honest are you about things? Are you willing to overlook dishonesty especially when it benefits you? Do you stand up for what is right and ethical or do you fall suspect to those around you that suck you into their dishonesty? Do you allow your children to be dishonest? If not, why not if you are being dishonest?
Setting Goals - It's very important to set goals. No matter what you do for a living or what you want to do in life it is very important to have an objective. No objective means no direction. Which way are you headed?
Thanks for reading!
Fist Pump Guy out!
#thefistpumpguy #personalassessment #pridegetsintheway
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
The ABCs of Selling!
Sunday, July 3, 2016
If you're not first you're last?
No matter how long you've been in this business it doesn't get any easier. You work really hard to make a successful month then you have to start over around the 1st and the cycle continues over and over as long as you are in it. Hence, the saying, you go from hero to zero. In other words you have a very good month and maybe even lead the board and on the 1st you are back at zero. It almost seems like what Ricky Bobby said in Talladega Nights, "If you're not first you're last". It's really not like that but it can feel like that sometimes. You can have a record breaking month and make the dealer a lot of money and once the 1st hits it's like it didn't even matter or happen. No matter how hard you worked it really isn't that noticed.
I've noticed that everyone has a bad month from time to time. I mean, the level of a bad month actually is dependent on each individual's averages but it still happens from time to time. Every one, in this business, has a month that doesn't match up to their standards. It's hard to swallow sometimes, especially when you don't hit your own goals. Now, some will do anything to make their month, even if it's dishonest though I choose not to. And even some managers will let things slide under the rug just to hit numbers but when the 1st hits you start all over no matter if you or the company hits its goals. I've been doing this a while now but it's still hard to get use to. I always kinda dread the 1st of the month to be honest with you. I struggle with the fact that no matter how hard I worked or the sweat I put in that it starts all over around the 1st. Also, the 1st brings about bills and usually we don't even get our commission checks til around the 7th so I have to plan them out ahead of time. So, if I have a bad month it could affect the next month before I even have a chance to sell anything.
So, though I do think it's important to hit the goals you need to hit to make your month and pay your bills, I don't necessarily believe that "if you're not 1st you're last" because I don't compare myself to others. The main reason is because, though some sell more than I do, I can't focus on them because it may effect what I normally do to stay ahead. If you are competitive it will happen from time to time that you may try to out do others but at the end of the day it's about the effort you put forth to make the month happen that you need to happen in order to provide for you and/or your family.
Yes, we are technically in a 30 day career, but it doesn't really have to be like that as long as you work hard at whatever you do and put forth the effort and practice that is necessary to stay on top of your game. Keep pushing forward and don't let others around you affect what and how you work your business. Do what you know to be right and honest and it will eventually work itself out for you.
Thanks for reading!
Fist Pump Guy out!
#ifyourenotfirstyourelast #30daycareer #fromherotozero #thefistpumpguy
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Importance of Building Your Reputation
Today, we are in a very technological world that depends highly on electronic gadgets to just get by day to day. I am a firm believer that some of these same gadgets have actually made us dumber since we don't have to remember things as much anymore. But that doesn't change the fact that they are here and here to stay. There are so many ways to get information nowadays from phones to tablets and watches and it's still growing. You may be asking yourself "where in the world is he going with this?". Well, my point is this, if there is so much technology out there and every person has some form of it just about then why wouldn't someone be concerned about their reputation? If any person at any given time can do an online search and find out just about anything about anybody then why wouldn't you be concerned about what they might find?
Now, granted, there are many jobs that one may have that may not be affected so much by a good or bad reputation but that's not the majority. Even if you are job hunting your reputation can either help or hurt you. If you are trying to grow a business with new business it can too be affected by a good or bad reputation. So, I am always baffled when I here someone say "I don't care what people think about me" or "I'm not concerned about my reputation". Ideally, just about everyone has some feelings about what people think about them. They try and play it off like they don't but they really do. I'm always amazed at the amount of people that walk around with a chip on their shoulder because they can't find a "decent" job and they like to say that they are being treated unfairly. There may be some times that they may be treated like that but a lot of times they have just had a bad reputation following them. Whether they are a job jumper or they don't come to work on time their reputation follows them. Most of the time it's their fault and they like to blame others.
Ideally, in order to be truly successful, you need to have a very favorable reputation. Whether it's looking for a new job, or trying to excel in your current job, having and building a good reputation is vitally important. If you are trying to get ahead at work by hard work then you want to be known as a hard worker and someone who can get the job done. If you are applying for a new position or a new job then you want that same reputation to follow you. Let's face the fact that many businesses search potential applicants online to get more information. You can lie or stretch the truth a little on a application and get away with it but it's hard to get away from the published truth online so you need to make a valiant effort to be reputable online.
Search yourself online and see what you find. Do you find good or bad things about yourself? Do you find anything at all? Because not finding anything can be bad at times too but we will talk about online presence at a later time. Make sure you are being noticed but that you are being noticed for the right things.
Thanks for reading!
Fist Pump Guy out!
#thefistpumpguy #buildingyourreputation #getsresults
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Fishing with the wrong bait?
Selling cars can be easy and hard at times but far too often salespeople make it harder than it needs to be especially new salespeople. It's made hard by a simple mistake and that is they might be Fishing With The Wrong Bait. What do I mean by that? I will tell you in a second. But let me ask you something first. Have you ever spent an excessive amount of time on the lot showing a vehicle, or multiple vehicles, and get the customer inside and they do not close? There can be a few different reasons why they don't close but many times we blame it on the price or they may even say it's the price. The fact is that many times, though we or they might say it's the price, we are on the wrong product/vehicle.
Fishing With The Wrong Bait means you are trying to sell them the wrong product/vehicle. If you haven't gone through the correct steps and asked the right questions then you can find yourself trying to build value in the wrong thing. That's not to say that you should always give too much credibility to all they say they "want" as I said in my last post but that you should listen and then follow their request with "what about this particular vehicle are you attracted to?" or "how important is this feature to you to be on your next vehicle?". These are just examples of coarse but you do need to know why and what they really need so that you make sure you are showing the right thing because you don't want to be on too much vehicle but you also don't want to be on too little vehicle. You can also ask them "what do you like most/least about your current vehicle?" or "what would you like to have on your new ride that you don't have now?" and other questions like that but you also have to take into account what their budget may be if you know because too much vehicle will blow them out to another dealership, probably to buy the exact lesser model car you are trying to switch them back to.
Another important step to make sure you are on the right product/vehicle is to model up/model down them. This means that you need to either show them a model up from what they are wanting to look at or show them a model down or maybe even do both. The reason is because that it helps you build more value in what you are really trying to sell them or it helps you find out what is really important to them, based on what they told you they wanted, and it sets you up with a switch vehicle or two just in case the payment is too much or the money isn't right for them then you can say something like "you remember that other model I showed you? It would be closer to your range/payment than this model is". This will help you close them on the car they are in finance on or it will help you switch them to the car you probably thought they should've went with in the first place. Either way you do two things, you find out what is really most important to them and you build an extreme amount of credibility and value in yourself which is also highly important in any sales position which ultimately leads to building your Reputation and gives you more/higher Results/Rewards.
My ending thought is this, make sure you are asking the right questions and showing the right amount of interest in your customers. If you actually listen then you will have an easier time distinguishing what they really need and an easier time picking out the right product/vehicle. Remember, you are the professional so act like it. They look to you for answers many times and you need to be able to solve their problem and answer their questions. Many times the customer needs to be led, if not every time, because all too often they do not even know what they want or what's best for them. It's up to you to make the difference which is why it's so important to make sure that you are Fishing With The Right Bait!
Thanks for reading!
Fist Pump Guy out!
#thefistpumpguy #fishingwiththewrongbait #buildingyourreputation #getsresults #followthefistpumptoenterprise
Friday, June 24, 2016
Pleading Your Case
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
The Phone Booth Salesman
I am a huge Superman fan. He was always my favorite superhero. I was always amazed at how he was able to keep his identity a secret but yet able to change into his superhero dress while needing little time or cover to do so. This is where I came up with the idea of The Phone Booth Salesman.
You might be asking "what in the world is he talking about?" a Phone Booth Salesman? Yea, I know, it sounded a little dumb to me when it was running through my head as I came up with the material to cover in the meeting under this title. But I started to think what this could mean in the sales force. Superman was able to step into a phone booth and change in less than a few the older episodes anyways. He was able to change when there was trouble or someone was in trouble. He was able to "adapt" into what people needed him to be.
That's what I think is necessary for the sales force, especially in car sales. We are approaching a time when the majority of any kind of sales will be done online, at least the searching part anyways, and it will be necessary to stand out and be noticed. As I've discussed before, building your reputation is very important and can lead to you being needed in sales. So, being able to adapt to a customers needs or being able to adapt to a different time is very necessary now for sure.
What do I mean by being able to adapt? Well, for starters, we must adapt to the times. In a growing age of technology we have the opportunity to be lost in the chaos. It's becoming less of a face to face business and more and more of a face to screen business but no matter if you are on the other side of the screen or if you are the one on the lot you need to make sure you have a good reputation and you are relevant. Being able to adapt helps make you both. If you are able to answer all questions and handle all issues you will be needed. If you are able to show that you are the one to call when a customer has a problem or if you are simply there to set an appointment for them you will be needed. In the past these things weren't necessary but now they are very necessary, especially in the automotive business. If your service dept can't figure out a problem on a car then you want them to be able to call you for the solution. Who knows? might even pick up a customer in the process. Whatever is going on you need to be involved and you need to be able to adapt to that situation. It will only make you more needed and wanted. You need to make yourself a necessity and not a liability, no matter what your chosen profession or job happens to be.
I see, especially today, that many people don't want to change. I get it. I didn't either. I am older than I once was and I for one can see how much technology has actually hurt how we live but that doesn't change the fact that it is here and we must adapt to the situation. Much like how Superman was able to change into his superhero dress we must be able to change into what the customer needs us to be. It may be hard to even want to change but there's a time coming when you need to make sure you are different and indispensable.
At the end of the day you want the customer/client to think of you with all of there automotive needs, or whatever your job is, no matter if you are able to directly help them or not. Adapt and succeed or don't and eventually fail. We all miss it sometimes and fail but you must always continue pressing forward towards the results/rewards.
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Questioning integrity
Friday, June 17, 2016
Buidling Reputation leads to Results!
#thefistpumpguy #buildingyourreputation #getsresults #followthefistpumptoenterprise
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Returned from the PROS Banquet
Monday, June 6, 2016
SET Pros banquet
As I sit here watching TV waiting on this shindig to begin I can't help but be thankful that I'm here. I don't know if I will make it back here but I'm very thankful for the Lord blessing me with this opportunity. Especially the fact that my wife is able to come with me. I can see the excitement in her eyes. We don't get to get dressed up often so I know she is going to do it up bigtime(pictures to come soon). As a married couple with kids we don't get out much so, for us, this is a huge thing we are included in. It may not mean much to some of the guys and girls here but it means alot to me. This is my 1st one actually attending but my 2nd year as a Pro so I am just experiencing this for the 1st time and Southeast Toyota does it up bigtime. It kind of reminds me of all the meetings I had to go to when I was a manager with Walmart though theirs wasn't near as fun. Theirs felt more like work than anything. This is actually fun so far. Maybe next time we stay a couple extra days here and just enjoy our time together since we don't know when we will get it again. Stay tuned for updates and pictures from The Fist Pump Guy!
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
New logo!
Friday, May 20, 2016
Customer service matters!
Had a good training class this a.m. Thank you Kevin for your preparation and input. We mainly discussed how to better streamline the finance dept and try and speed up the process without hitting snags. Having paperwork filled out properly and completely is a must in order to make sure your customer isn't waiting too long. If the finance dept gets held up because of your mistake then please don't blame the finance dept when your deal doesn't close.
Customer service has to always be in mind in whatever business you might be in. We are in a time, in this country especially, when we are in a big hurry. We are usually more concerned with more and more numbers instead of focusing on individual needs. Yes, it is difficult sometimes when everything is based on budgets and goals but we have to be very careful not to just treat the customer/client like another number. Part of the problem is because businesses have become so cut throat and another cause is because in order to get a decent paycheck you have to sell more units or contracts. Granted, that's where we've put ourselves. We've trained the customer to be more price conscious and want to shop more. The problem with that is that when a customer doesn't purchase local they are doing themselves a great injustice, though they may not realize it. We have to make sure they are our focus and not the #s. Yes we need to strive to hit the numbers but it should never be in sacrifice of customer service like some of the big retailers!
Thanks for reading!
Fist Pump Guy out!
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Ric Flair had it all though. He could work himself into a frenzy with pretty much ease and he always knew what to say. He had a way to make people so mad that people in the stands wanted to hit him and I'm sure many tried. But that's how he kept you engaged. He always ended up yelling in the camera and turning red in the face. He had a way to describe who he was and that he was the best and you almost had to believe him no matter if he won or lost. He made you believe that he was rich and had all these cars and expensive jewelry, though I don't know if he really did. He often talked about how he could have any woman he wanted, not sure if that was true either but he made you believe it even if it wasn't. Ric Flair has been able to do this for a long time and I still am not sure if it was really true or
What does this have to do with the car business? I'm glad you asked that question. Sometimes, selling a car is about showmanship. It's how you demonstrate the vehicle and how you sell yourself. I'm not saying that you need to be as loud and full of charisma like Ric Flair but you definitely need to be confident and enthusiastic about what or who you are selling. Some guy/girls are overly aggressive and boastful which a lot of the times turns the customer off. And many times some guys/girls are very boring or non-engaged with the customer and likewise turn off the customer. If you are not confident in what you are doing then chances are it will show in your presentation. On the other hand, someone that is confident and has a little energy and eagerness about them can wooooo a customer to the point of a sale even if you are not the lowest price. It's very important to understand that missing a sale or getting a sale isn't always about price, even if the customer says it is. A lot of the time it's because they like the salesman or doesn't like the salesman. I think far too often we want to blame it on the price and not take responsibility that maybe we were the cause of a missed sale. Sometimes we don't sale ourselves or the dealership enough. Sometimes we are overly pushy and aggressive and run the customer to another lot. It's not always the price!
With today's technology, and people doing more and more shopping online, we have a harder time with pricing but, as I said before, a customer sometimes is more satisfied with a great salesperson than a good price. Let's face it, most of the time dealerships are cutting each other's throats the way they gouge prices just to grab a customer and the price may not be much different than what you presented them. And many times the advertising or pricing is just a gimmick to get them in the door and they end up buying anyway because, though it may not be what they thought, they don't want to admit they drove a long distance to buy and don't buy. Most of the time they buy just because they drove the distance. If they come in your dealership they may buy just because they got you as a salesperson so it's vitally important to make a great impression. You always want to show that you want them as a valued customer, show them that they are important and take interest in what they are saying and wanting. So, to make a long story short, let's make sure that we woooooooooooooooooooooo every customer we come in contact with!
Thanks for reading!!!
Fist Pump Guy Out!
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
1st time in a while!
Thanks for the awesome day sweetheart!
Monday, May 9, 2016
Follow the Fist Pump to Enterprise!
Friday, May 6, 2016
Is an online presence necessary today?
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Sad but necessary
But isn't it ironic that when a person is thought of to be a certain way that when something like termination happens that the same one affirms what people already believed about them? You can really see who people really are when adversity strikes. Sometimes people take it in stride and move on and then some have to resort to anger and hostility because that's all they have inside them anyways. That's the persons true character. The one that comes out when some type of adversity hits. But even then, I am not happy or excited when someone gets fired no matter if it is for the best or not. It's really sad to see and I don't like it. So, just to be clear, I don't get happy or excited, nor do I like it, when someone gets terminated though it may be necessary. When I was a manager with a big retail chain I never liked terminating people though it was necessary and part of my job. I have never been fired from a job, thank God, but I have seen it happen many times and have fired people too and it is hard every single time. Yes, they deserved it many times because of tardiness, absences, thefts or whatever else but it isn't easy.
In closing, a few comments about my post yesterday, I want to say I still feel the same about what I said. If someone is purposely being dishonest they need to be let go, especially after they've been warned or talked to. It isn't personal but a necessary part of running an honest business. One, it is necessary for morale because you don't want others doing the same things and thinking it is okay to do dishonest things. And two, it's important to set standards and follow through with them. When you are training people it is very important to prepare them for the real world. Do people get things by being dishonest? Yes, but that still doesn't make it right. Would you teach your kids to lie and cheat and steal knowing what the consequences are? No?! Then why would we want to accept it from friends or co-workers? The answer is pretty clear to me but not everyone thinks like I do. I actually think of others. Maybe not as much as I'm suppose to or even as much as I should but ultimately that is part of my goal. As I said yesterday, selfishness is dangerous and can lead to many terrible things in your life and those around you. So, don't think for a minute that you doing things that are dishonest isn't noticed at some point. Maybe a kid you know, a co-worker, a boss or even your own child may see it and mimic what they just saw and think that because you did it then it's okay.
Think about it!
Have a great Wednesday!
Fist Pump Guy Out!
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
When is enough enough?
I need to start today's blog with a quick statement..... I do not understand some people. I don't understand why some people do what they do. My faith aside for a minute I just don't understand the fact that some people have no ethics or morals whatsoever and it bugs me to no end. I went home last night and thought about this situation for a while. I finally decided that it wasn't worth worrying and stressing over but it still doesn't make sense to me why people have to be so bluntly dishonest and not care one bit.
I guess the question comes down to.... "When do you call a thief a thief and liar a liar?" Is it after they've been busted once and then it was swept under the rug because they "perform" better than anyone else? Is it after they have been busted numerous times and again it is swept under the rug because they seemingly out perform everyone else by a landslide? Is it because, in my line of work, that certain things become acceptable as long as the car gets sold? As long as the uppers get paid it doesn't matter who sells it even though others are struggling because they keep having things stolen from them? I don't know how to really answer the questions I've just asked. The only conclusion I can come up with is that dishonesty to perform better than anyone else is better that honesty and integrity. I'm not sure if everyone feels this way and I don't want to lump everyone into one category but I can only assume that when things are being allowed to happen on a regular basis that it is better to "out perform" dishonestly than to perform decently and honestly. I got news for you, my integrity is way more important that "performing" better than anyone else. If I can't get it honestly then I don't want it. If I can't say that "I'm on top" by doing things the right way then I'm okay with that! If I fall a little short on my goal but I'm doing it honestly then I'm okay with that! If I for one second feel like I have to be dishonest and lose my integrity in any job I perform then I can't do the job and need to move on. Yea, I get it, there are many in this business that are dishonest and people may not even realize it as long as they get what they want but I have One I have to answer to even if I did want to be dishonest. I can't control how some people act and things they do other than just try and be a positive influence that rubs off and I can't control how things are handled but I myself choose to be as honest as I possibly can be.
Now, the question I want to pose is this...."If one is being dishonest and "out performing" everyone else by taking deals from others then why is it allowed?" It's because he is "selling" a lot more than everyone else and he "out performs" everyone and the uppers don't want to lose "their best sales person". But, I guess I wonder, that if all the numbers he puts up were actually customers of another sales person? I wonder how many people he has actually stolen from others in order to make more money and to be on top? I wonder when you start saying that the one's supporting what he does and makes excuses for what he does are just as guilty as he is? When do you say "birds of a feather flock together"? I don't know how to answer these questions either because, quite frankly, I don't come in everyday trying to figure out a way to cheat the system and steal from others! I hope this isn't being too harsh but if you continued to have things taken from you, maybe more than you're aware of, and nothing is done then at what point to need to change your environment? At what point do you say "I've had enough"? I'm sure I'm not the only one out there that feels like this and I'm sure that I'm not the only one that actually likes his job but hates the way certain co-workers think and act.
Selfishness and greed is very dangerous! It affects the one doing it and affects how people act around them because of their actions!
Monday, May 2, 2016
How do you measure success?
Well, the idea has always been that money is the ultimate goal and factor of one's success. I want to tell you that I try my hardest to not make things about money nor do I try to compare myself with others around me that make more money. I don't mean that I don't want to make money or that I don't need money because I have bills like everyone else. I simply wanted to state that because, though selling cars is the ultimate goal, that focusing only on that and how to make more money can take other things away from you. It can take your happiness and joy and replace it with resentment and stress along with worry. Now, granted, I still worry sometimes, not because I want to for sure, but because I have place a bigger burden on myself than I need to. I try not to but if you have a bad month or a bad few months and you get behind then your stress level rises and then you find yourself doing or saying things you may not want to nor realize you are. I guess that is part of being in sales.
Having said that, if you have a good and supporting spouse you can have a different attitude. My wife, for example, is pretty supportive of me. I do my best to not talk about my day because her job, by far, is way more important and stressful than mine. I do my best to be supportive of her too but she is supportive in the fact that she has confidence in me. Being in the car business is very stressful and it has a tendency to effect your life especially the family. Long hours worked and almost every Saturday can and will take a toll on the relationship you might have with your family. In turn, if you have trouble at home it can affect you at work, regardless of your profession.
I guess what I am getting at is this. though I want to be successful and have things that I need, I don't necessarily base my income on my success. Yes, I have made good money in the car business and I thank God for what He blesses me with but I don't want the money and material stuff to be what measures my success. I want my relationship with my Lord, my wife and my kids to be my ultimate measuring stick. If I have all the money in the world and my relationship with any of the three is not good then I have nothing. The Bible says "the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil" not because money, in itself, is evil but the love of it. It can and will affect your marriage and other relationships if you let it be the primary focus in any part of your life. If money is your primary, and most important goal then you may be blinded to what you truly need in your life and what your family truly needs form you. Yes, have stuff is nice but not if you have to sacrifice the happiness and joy that comes from your family. Many people have committed suicide, divorced their spouse and even robbed and killed because of their "need" for money.
All that to say, don't let your goal of making lots of money and having material things affect your relationship with others. When is it enough? After you've lost all the important people in your life? or to the point you don't care about anyone else but yourself?
Thanks for reading!